Horses are born left or right handed (hoofed) and become progressively more asymmetrical as they grow older. This isn’t a major problem if the horse is never going to be ridden but in order to carry a rider without undue strain, the horse needs to develop a strong back, be equally strong and supple on both sides and learn to carry more of his weight on his hind legs. Therefore the horse needs to be taught how to improve both its balance and straightness – its biomechanics. For most of us this is best done by working with our horse without the hindrance of a rider, initially with on-line groundwork, then on the lunge and finally in-hand.

Each of these three segments consists of a series of gymnastic exercises for the horse in which it learns to stretch, contract and relax its muscles. The exercises will also help develop the horse’s balance and distribute the weight, initially equally over all four legs, and eventually more onto the hind legs. By working with the horse’s biomechanics (think Pilates for horses) we can help our horse stay fitter for longer. Just as we need to correctly work our bodies to remain fit and agile as we grow older, so do our horses.
Fran offers private lessons in groundwork; on-line, in-hand or lunging either at her own yard or yours. Lessons can be of any duration but a minimum of an hour is recommended.
Prices are as follows for a one-on-one session at Pengraig.
£40 half an hour.
£50 forty five minutes.
£60 one hour
If you would like the lesson at your own yard additional travel costs apply. These work out at .45p a mile from SY23 5LE