Why not treat yourself and your horse to the ultimate Rider Biomechanics training day?
Rider Biomechanics can be divided into 3 distinct components and we will address all three components during the day.
- the biomechanics of the horse and human combination – rider biomechanics
- the biomechanics of the human and how their asymmetry affects the horse
- the biomechanics of the horse and how their asymmetry can affect their soundness and their rider’s position.

Your day will start with a one hour ground work session with your horse. All horses are asymmetrical. They are born left or right hoofed and are naturally crooked and front heavy. This isn’t a major problem if the horse is never going to be ridden, but in order to carry a rider without undue strain the horse needs to develop a strong back, be equally strong and supple on both sides and learn to carry more of his weight on his hind legs. Therefore the horse needs to be taught how to improve both his balance and straightness – without the hindrance of a rider. Working in-hand, either with a single line or short reins, is the ideal way to do this.
We then take a look at the horse and rider combination, firstly by analyzing your position on PI (our electronic horse) and then by taking your new-found knowledge from an hour’s session on PI into the ménage.
PI – Posture Assessment Indicator – provides objective information on your position and balance in the saddle as well as your rein contact. Sensitive sensors give continuous feedback of your weight distribution – whether you are sitting with equal weight in the Coronal plane (left and right), and the Sagittal plane (front and back). This information together with photos/video footage of your position allows us to determine how far you are from the optimum and what can be done to help you achieve neutral balance.

From PI we transfer back to the ménage to re-access how your seat can influence your horse, either intentionally or unintentionally and how the horse’s body can affect your position. Horses mirror their riders, so if we can ride in self carriage – then self carriage can be achieved by the horse, if we block the movement of the horse’s back, our horse’s movement is restricted.

Like horses, all humans are asymmetrical. We are naturally left or right handed and as we grow older our asymmetry increases. Most of us collapse more on one side, stand with one shoulder higher than the other or place more weight on one foot than the other. The session on PI will have high-lighted any asymmetries that you may have. Whilst we may be able to make temporary adjustments in our seat to correct any imbalances, to have a long-term effect on our asymmetry we need to work on strengthening and suppling the muscles responsible. Pilates is an ideal way to retrain your body and the one hour private session will arm you with all the exercises necessary to achieve the result you want.

This full day’s training includes:
- an introductory talk on common horse-asymmetries and how to diagnose what your horse needs
- a one-hour ground work session
- a one-hour session on PI
- a one hour riding session
- a one hour Pilates session
- stabling for the day
Cost £200
If you would like to book a Ultimate 1 Day Training session then please contact me using the form below to arrange a suitable day. Please do not pay before contacting me so that we can discuss your requirements and arrange a mutually suitable date.
Once we have agreed a date, you may use the Payment link below to complete the purchase.