Clinics usually take place over 2 days, normally at weekends. Occasionally clinics may take place at other times, especially if the clinic venue is not at Pengraig. Please check the day and venue when booking.
Saturday Clinic
There will be 7 sessions on Saturday, starting at 10 am. There will be a 30 minute lunch stop at 1pm and so the last session will begin at 4:30pm. Please try to be on time for your session (preferably 5 to 10 mins early) as the time schedule is tight between individual sessions.
Sunday Clinic
There will be 7 sessions on Sunday, starting at 10 am. There will be a 30 minute lunch stop at 1pm and so the last session will begin at 4:30pm. Please try to be on time for your session (preferably 5 to 10 mins early) as the time schedule is tight between individual sessions.
Sessions last 45 minutes. To start we look at your natural position/posture by taking Coronal and Sagital photos and measuring your balance. We then spend time repositioning you so that you have the correct ear – shoulder – hip – heel alignment and to ensure that your pelvis is in neutral alignment to allow maximum freedom of movement in the saddle. We then spend further time helping you get a feel for this new position (if necessary) so that you can transfer this to your own horse the next time you ride.
We then look at your rein balance – the amount of pressure you exert on your horse’s mouth and whether you apply equal pressure with each hand. Again we start with your initial rein pressure and help you adjust your rein contact as necessary.
Finally, if time allows, we can spend time in our virtual menage learning the effectiveness of weight aids.
How to Book
If you would like to book any of these PI Clinics please click on the appropriate link below. Then click on the Book Tickets button and select the relevant Session(s). Payment by Credit/Debit card, or by Paypal, is accepted.
Please make sure that you have read the Booking Conditions for this Clinic.
Please tell me a little about yourself and any physical or medical problems you may have that could impact the session in the Additional Notes box during the ticket booking process.